Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Believing Name Number Needs to Be Corrected
My interest in numerology also makes me believe that I need to correct my name number. If someone can help me out which name number is best for me which shine like sun!, I will correct it as per the name number. Thank You.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When you ask about a name number, I assume you mean the name's destiny number. Your name's destiny number is the number 2.
When you ask for a name number like the sun, I'm uncertain if you're asking what is the name number of the sun or if you want a name number that you perceive is like the sun. I'm thinking probably the latter. But I'll also address the first.
The destiny number for Sun is the number 9, a fitting number indeed, as you'll see when you follow the link.
The heart's desire number for Sun is the number 3. And the personality number is the number 6.
You can use the Best Name Finder tool with a list of names to see which name resonates best with Sun. If you need to dig in and look at all the numbers for a specific name, Calculating Major Name Numbers can be used.
If, instead of a name with the same numbers as Sun, you want a name that you perceive is like the sun, then you'll first need to determine what characteristics you perceive as being like the sun. Then determine which number best matches those characteristics.
Perception is subjective, so you're the one who has to do the determinations. A Succinct List of Number Meanings can be used to help with that.
Once your preferred number is determined, the Best Name Finder linked above can be used to help select a name.
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