Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Artistic Name

Image for 'Artistic Name' numerology answer

Hi, am a young artist/ designer with the intention of healing ourselves through love/ art... so the themes of my art are very spiritual and geometrical. But I haven't sold too many paintings or gotten so much understanding and feedback from the spectators. I usually use [name removed] and somehow I feel my name isn't remembered very easily, or its very strong... I sometimes write [name removed]. It seems more nice to me. Does my name have an influence in all this? How can I take the best advantage from my "Artistic" name. Thank you :)

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

As you suspect, the artist name can have an influence on how people see the art, and how well the name is remembered.

A Name for an Artistic Career has information about that.

Before changing your name, see the Name Change for Professional Reasons article. And also Choosing a Professional Name.

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