Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Alphabetical Power for Great Height of Success
Hello , I am born in [date removed]. Well I'm looking for perfect alphabetical power which can evaluate my future into great height of success. Name in documents: [name removed] Am thinking for "[name removed]", "[name removed]", or "[name removed]". I just wanna know which number is better if I make through (Name Number) 19 or 37 according to my date of birth. Please suggest as soon as you can. Thank You.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide what you're looking for. The numerology I use (Pythagorean) doesn't make people successful or unsuccessful. That's up to the person themself, what their definition of success is and what they do or don't do as they live life.
The number 19 and the number 37 both reduce to the number 1, which is your birth date number.
Consider a name number that reduces to something other than the number 1 — to provide some balance. The name change index contains links to articles with more information.
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