Numerology Answers > Name Changes
A Well-balanced Name
How is a well balanced name created?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
First, a definition of well-balanced needs to be determined. It can have various definitions:
A letter for each single-digit number so the energy represented by all numbers are represented by the name.
A name where all the major name numbers and as many of the letters as is possible are all compatible so only a certain type of things are likely to be experienced. (To be all the same, the name would need to be "
" or "Ri
", which would make all letters and name numbers the number 9.)Some compatible and some incompatible letters and name numbers so the life can gain depth from varied experiences.
A name that either resonates or is dissonant with the birth date number so a narrow outlook or a wider outlook on life is more likely (and also types of life experiences). (See Name and Birth Date Compatibility for information about this.)
When the definition of well-balanced has been determined, then use the Calculator for Professional Numerologists with various names until you find one that matches your definition. You'll find all the name numbers in the "Character-by-character" section of the calculator results.
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