Numerology Answers > Name Changes
A Good English Name for Me
What is a good English name for me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A good name depends very much on the numerology energy you prefer to experience after you change your name. It also depends on why you want an English name.
If this name change is in response to a need to fit into a new society, then the concepts of a professional name change would apply. The How To Choose a Professional Name article talks about that.
Let me suggest consulting with a professional numerologist who is experienced with name changes. The numerologist is likely to ask you for a list of names acceptable to you. You see, what is good for one person and their situation may be not good for someone else or a different situation. Also, the numerology energy represented by the birth name never entirely goes away; so it generally is prudent that the numerology energy of a new name doesn't conflict with the birth name.
If you wish to do it yourself, make a list of names that appeal to you. Then, use the name change tool to help you determine which is best for you.
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