Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
I Wish I Knew My Lucky Number
My husband [name removed] his birth date is [birthdate removed]. Are so unlucky. My full name is [name removed]. I wish I knew my lucky number. I thought it was 9 but it not, please help.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
One of your numerology lucky numbers is your birthdate number, which is 9. Another is your name number, which is 2.
Numerology lucky numbers are the numbers prominent in your numerology chart. They tend to attract events and circumstances compatible with the energies the numbers represent.
Thus, when you know your lucky numbers, you know what type of events and circumstances are likely to be attracted to you. A person can plan and be ready to take advantage of the situations when they occur.
Other events and circumstances will happen in life. Life is that way; there are easier periods and harder periods.
Sometimes numerology lucky numbers are confused with winning lottery numbers or lady-luck type of events.
But that's not what they are. Instead, numerology lucky numbers are an indication of what can be expected. Lucky lottery numbers or lady-luck events are chance, which may seem to be on the whim of the Universe.
Here are some links that may help:
Luck Is A State Of Mind With Numerology
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