Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Will Company Name Bring Me Luck?
Is "TRINISTO" (software company name) will bring me luck?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If the name you provided with your question is your full name as recorded at birth, the business name is indeed fortunate.
The personality number of your name and the destiny number of the company's name are the same, the number 7. The 7 is a number of wisdom and scientific research.
The destiny number of your name and the personality number of the company's name are the same, the number 1. The 1 is a number of invention and exploration.
Neither name contains an 8, which is a number of commerce. If the date your company name is officially registered can be done on an date that reduces to an 8, it would be good. (See Numerology Numbers, Reducing Dates And Other Multi-digit Numbers for information about how to reduce a calendar date.)
Even with lots of luck, few good things manifest without taking action to make it happen.
For others who may be interested, see the Company Names with Numerology article.
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