Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers

Unlucky 8

Very confused. Though my life path number is 8, this is a very unlucky number for me. I do not pass the exam if my roll number adds up to 8. I am unsuccessful in every endeavor where the number adds up to 8. I received the news of my father's death at 4.04 pm. And so on. Please help me.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A numerology lucky number attracts the energies the number represents. That's where it's "lucky-ness" comes in — attracting the connections, events, ideas, circumstances, and other things that resonate with that energy.

Thus, the numerology lucky number 8 attracts, among other things, material compensation and leadership roles with teams that have a specific goal to accomplish.

A numerology lucky number doesn't push things away. It only attracts certain things. Therefore, because numerology lucky numbers don't push things away or prevent things from happening, no numerology number can be unlucky.

If it's said that a certain number is unlucky because it doesn't attract certain things, the statement is incorrect. Attracting those things would be the energies of a different number.

Perhaps the unlucky events being associated with the number 8 are related to something other than numerology. Maybe a belief about the number picked up somewhere along your life. Or maybe there's some other common association with the events that you find to be unlucky. Perhaps there's a tendency to try different number combinations to arrive at the number 8 so it can be said it's unlucky, rather than taking responsibility for ones own actions and reactions.

I don't see anything in your numerology chart that would tend to be unlucky.

Your personality number is the master number 11, which is likely to sensitize you to spiritual energies. A master number's potential can be hard to live up to; but it's not required to do so. Master Numbers and Potential describes why it's your choice.

Last year, your pinnacle number became the number 11; the same master number.

I understand the number 11 is not the number 8. I mention it because the number 11's influence can affect perception and conclusions, especially where life questions are concerned. Focusing too much on one reason for something, whether or not the reason is correct, can make other potential reasons invisible to perception.

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