Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Registration Number for New Bike
I purchased new bike and want your advice for selecting registration number. Please advise me. I will be very much thankful to you for the same. My mail id is [email address removed].
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The best registration number depends on what the bike primarily will be used for.
If for private use, a number that reduces to 6 would be good. The number 6 is a good family and health number and it is also your life path number.
If for business or career, it depends on the type of business or career. Different activities resonate better with different numbers. Here are a few categories with the number or numbers that resonate well with them.
- Education (7)
- Organization/Management (8)
- Legal (8)
- Exploration (1)
- Factory (4)
- Government (6, 8)
- Entertainment (5, 3, 9)
- Sales (5, 1, a number resonating with the product being sold)
Your core numerology chart numbers are 5, 7, 2, and 6. A good registration number is a number representing what the vehicle will mostly be used for. Even better is if the number also matches a core chart number.
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