Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Numbers to Generate Luck at Gambling Resort

I am supposed to travel to Las Vegas between April 10 and April 24 for a vacation. I have read a few sources which advised me that [this year] is a lucky year for me ... even further than that, I was told April is the luckiest month for me this year. Keeping in mind Jupiter has now entered my sign of Sagittarius until this December. I was advised I should expect a couple of large lump sums of money. I was even told this the first time back in the 90s when I had my first natal chart done and a palm reading. Here are my 2 questions .. 1. What day should I choose to gamble that gives me the best offs of winning. After I researched I came up with April 23. 2. What numbers should I watch out for that could generate luck for me ? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology is a practice for revealing personal characteristics, tendencies, and likelihoods. Gambling is outside its realm.
There are numerology lucky numbers, but they aren't gambling, societal, or any other kind of lucky numbers — just numerology lucky numbers.
Numerology lucky numbers resonate with the person's numerology chart. They might or might not also resonate with a winning number in a gambling situation. But if they do it is coincidence or serendipity, not because the gambled winning number also is a numerology lucky number.
Numerology lucky numbers can be found by using the Numerology Lucky Numbers Tool.
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