Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Name Spelling for Good Luck

How should I spell my name [name removed] for good luck?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It depends on what kind of good luck you're wanting. Is it luck in business, marriage, health, lottery, exams, or something else?
First, determine what kind of good luck you're wanting. Then use the Succinct List of Number Meanings page and determine which number is closest to the kind of luck you're looking for.
After you do that, use the Best Name Finder with your current name and all the variations that are acceptable to you. The calculator will respond with the name or names that are the best for the criteria you specified.
Please note: The name first assigned to you at birth is your birth name. The energies of your birth name are with you your entire life.
Changing a name will not remove the energy of the birth name. Generally, elements of all other names you have had will also be present.
If a name is often changed, it my result in confusion because of conflicting energies.
Therefore, it is prudent not to change one's name for a short-term gain.
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