Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Lucky Number Per Vastu or Numerology
What is my lucky number as per vastu or numerology?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Asking a Vastu professional would be prudent for an answer according to Vastu.
With numerology, there are many lucky numbers. There are lucky numbers based on birth date, on name, and on various cycles. Cyclic lucky numbers change as the cycles change. Doing a quick perusal of the lucky numbers index will give you an idea of the wide variety that are available.
Which lucky number you choose would depend on what the lucky number is for — your purpose, how it will be used or what it will be associated with.
Because there are many different types of lucky numbers, probably the first thing to do is learn what a numerology lucky number actually is. What Are Numerology Lucky Numbers? is a place to start.
When that information is assimilated, What Numerology Lucky Numbers Are For may help you determine which lucky number you need for the purpose you have in mind.
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