Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Lucky Color for Interview
What colour is lucky for success in interview?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
For personal lucky colors, use the Lucky Colors Calculator at AffinityNumerology.com, our sister numerology site. Also read the "Lucky Colors" article for information about how to use lucky colors and what lucky colors are.
As noted, the above are about personal lucky colors.
Success can't be guaranteed for wearing lucky colors or being in the environment of lucky colors. But they may provide an edge.
For an interview, it would depend on what the interview is for. If the interview is for a job or career position with a company, colors resonating with the type of career may provide an edge.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide a link to a table of careers and colors. Nor am I able to list all possible types of careers in this response to your question.
However, this is the way lucky career colors would be determined:
Determine the number or numbers that resonate best with the career. As an example, accounting resonates with the number 4 and with the number 8.
Use the Lucky Colors Tool to determine what colors are associated with that number or numbers.
If you're able to determine what number (single-digit number) resonates with the job or career you're being interviewed for, the above can help. Otherwise, one or more of your personal colors may give you the edge you're looking for.
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