Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Lucky Color, Day, and Number
Hi, what is my lucky color, lucky day, lucky number according to my date of birth?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There may be more than one lucky color for your date of birth. Use the Lucky Colors Calculator to find your lucky colors.
The calculator will ask for both your name and your birth date. Because you want lucky color information only according to your date of birth, omit your name. The calculator will calculate for only your date of birth if that's all the information you provide.
On the results page of the lucky colors calculator, the color or colors listed for the "Birthdate" item are the lucky colors you're asking for.
The How to Determine Your Lucky Colors article has additional information about lucky colors for you.
You have more than one lucky day. Use the Lucky Days Tool to reveal your lucky days for the next 10 weeks.
Your birth date number (called the life path) is the number 9. That would be the lucky number according to your date of birth.
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