Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Forever Lucky Number
What is my forever lucky number?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The major numerology profile numbers are considered to be the person's lucky numbers. The lesser profile numbers, too, just with less energy behind the lucky numbers.
The number 3, the number of your life path, is one forever lucky number as calculated with numerology. It's a forever lucky number because your birth date (where the lucky number is calculated from) can't be changed.
The number 5, your destiny number, is also a forever lucky number — unless you change your name. (The destiny number is calculated from your name.)
Consider also your daily lucky numbers when considering lucky numbers.
They're the shortest duration of numerology lucky numbers. Because they are short duration, the energy change is noticed more readily. On the contrary, the energy of long term lucky numbers might not be noticed as extraordinary, even though they generally have more energy than the short-term ones.
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