Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Flat Number 703
I am shifting to a new house my flat no is 703. Will it be lucky for me. What about 703?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If the house is primarily a residence, the number 703 will tend to favor, during your restful states, original thought related to a scientific approach for understanding spirituality or human nature.
See the Compatible House Number tool and the two-part article, House Numbers and Numerology. They provide lots of information that I think you'll find interesting.
Something those articles don't address is that neither the number 7 or the number 3 currently have an effect in your numerology chart at any of your major name and birth date positions. The same with the number 1 (which 703 reduces to).
The number 703 can fill in currently missing number vibrations. Which by itself is lucky.
The numbers 1, 7, and 3 are numbers that represent three of your four pinnacle cycles. The first was a 1 cycle, which ended at the end of last year. The third cycle will be a 7, beginning in about eight years and lasting for nine years. The fourth cycle will be a 3. (The second pinnacle cycle, the one you're experiencing now, is represented by the number 6.)
Therefore, the house number 703 can serve as an attractor for the energies not currently represented in your numerology chart.
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