Numerology Answers > Lucky Numbers
Choose My Lucky Mobile Number
Respected sir. Can you help me to choose my lucky mobile number?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
"Lucky," in numerology generally refers to things that resonate with the numbers of the person's numerology chart.
When the chart is used to determine the luckiness of a house number, telephone number, or vehicle registration plate number, the major name numbers of the chart are considered first. The three major name numbers are talked about in the Calculating Numerology Name Numbers article.
Your major name numbers are 2, 4, and 7.
To choose a mobile number, first make a list of available mobile numbers. If the list is huge, start with only some of them. You can expand the list if necessary.
With the list of mobile numbers and your major name numbers at hand, read Telephone Number Meaning for information about how to do the calculations.
You're aiming for a mobile number that reduces to one of your major name numbers.
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