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Seeing 5 Every Time He's Around

What does it mean when the number 5 is always appearing on, around, or seen every time a certain person is around? I am in love with this individual. His information [birthdate and name removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 5 is a number of changes, of following whim, of expressing a personal sense of freedom. If he reminds you of those attributes, that may be a reason you're seeing the number in the circumstances you described.

I don't see any number 5's at any current position in your numerology chart. So the reason is unlikely to come from your chart.

His name number is a 5, which makes it highly likely that he expresses those attributes.

A professional psychic or tarot reader might also be consulted for answers unreachable with numerology calculations.

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