Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

The Number 22 At an Almost Scary Frequency

I became very close to a girl who I had known for a long time but never really associated with much until about 9 or 10 months ago. We began seeing or talking to each other just about every day over that time period until about 2-3 weeks ago. She was very interested in numerology and always saw the number 22 at an almost scary frequency. I witnessed this over the course of those 10 months that we spent time together so I know she isn't insane or lying. Now, since her and I have stopped talking (she just abruptly stopped talking to me for no reason at all; I still don't know why), I am the one seeing this number everywhere. I never used to see it and I would laugh at her getting freaked out over seeing it so much. Now I am the one freaked out because I see it everywhere and have been seeing it since I stopped talking to this girl. Can you please tell me what's going on? Thanks... Partner: [name and birth date removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

You're seeing the number 22 as often as you are, and remember the seeing, for two reasons: (1) It has emotional significance and (2) there's mystery associated with it.

Numbers are all around us. We see them, but often don't really pay attention. Some, we pay attention to, like amount of payments or the time, then soon thereafter forget the number.

When a specific number has personal meaning or emotional significance, seeing the number is more likely to be remembered. Like the number 22, for you. It has significance and you remember it when you see it.

When a person wonders about something, it creates a mystery. When there's a mystery, the subconscious is compelled to solve it. To gather more information or become more familiar with the subject, the conscious attention is directed to whatever is associated with the mystery.

In your case, the mystery is double — the wondering what it means to keep seeing 22 and the wondering why she stopped talking to you.

It's no wonder you keep seeing the number 22 and vividly remember every occurrence.

See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for a deeper explanation of how it works.

The number 22 isn't in your numerology chart, which is why I'm certain it's the significance and the mysteries that cause your conscious attention to spot 22 whenever it's in your environment to be seen.

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