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Numbers 3 in Multiples

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My wife passed away 2 months ago...i keep have issues mostly at night seeing the numbers 3 in multiples. Also seeing 3's in succession in things like receipts, invoices, etc. Also i get very cold sensations during the night. Any thoughts?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

It may be prudent to see a doctor for the physical sensations.

Because you keep noticing it, the number 3 is likely to mean something to you personally, or perhaps has an emotional significance.

In your numerology chart, your heart's desire number is 3 and your current life period is the number 3. That may have a bit of influence on why you notice the number 3 among the many numbers in your environment.

But the influence is unlikely sufficient, by itself, to cause you to notice the number 3 as much as you do. The Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article may provide clues for you.

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