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444, With 3 And 7

Okay, can you tell me what the meaning of 444 and how does 3 and 7 relate to it. I see these numbers together like this all the time, for example on license plates, on the clock,(are my two most common instances where I've seen these numbers); however, I've even seen these numbers after I've calculated numbers and sum is 444. I've had one instance where I've seen these numbers on a door of an establishment I've entered. Oh yeah, my address is 444!!! 3(completion) and 7(perfection) happen to be my favorite numbers, somewhere in that 444 my favorite numbers appear. My Mother carried a number 7 in her purse, which I found after her passing. My mother found out she had lung cancer in October, 7 month later she passed, in the 4th month on the 7th day. It's been 7 years since her passing.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Demetrius, here are a few more for your collection:

  1. There are 7 letters in your name with the value 1.

  2. There is 1 letter in your name with the value 7.

  3. There are 25 letters in your name. 25 reduces to 7 (2+5=7).

  4. The letters of your name contain 7 different numbers (no 6 or 8, just 1 2 3 4 5 7 9).

  5. Your current Pinnacle number is 7 (until 2013).

  6. Your current personal month number is 7.

  7. Next year (2011), your personal year number will be 7.

Those points may also have something to do with why you feel such affinity for the number 7. (In addition to a desire for perfection, 7 is also a number of introspection.)

The number 444 reduces to the single digit 3. (4+4+4=12, 1+2=3) And, of course, 444 contains 3 digits. (In addition to being the number of a complete triad, 3 is also a number of creativity and social interaction. With the triad of 4's, I suspect the 3 is related to building a foundation for the future.)

It appears the two numbers 3 and 7 relate to different aspects of your life instead of relating directly with each other.

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