Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

10.29 On the Clock

Often when I look at the time it says 10.29 morning or evening. What does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With a life path number 7 (calculated from your birth date), it's expected that things like this would intrigue you enough to look for a reliable answer.

Sometimes, when seeing certain numbers more than would be expected during the normal course of life, it's simply because the person is wondering about seeing the number. Once it's associated with a mystery, the person's subconscious, in its efforts to help solve the mystery, directs the conscious to notice the number.

The more often the number is noticed, the more mysterious it becomes — regardless if there's an actual meaning associated with it other than not knowing whether or not it is a mystery.

This might or might not be the case. I don't see associated numbers in your numerology chart, but there might be other personal meanings.

Perhaps the meaning of the numbers in the clock time 10.29 will help.

The number 10 is a starter. It's independent, self-sufficient, and is comfortable being a leader.

The number 29 is spiritual in nature. It's intuitive and dynamic and is inclined to be a team member. The number 29 reduces to the number 11, which is also spiritual in nature.

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