Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Manifesting Powers From the Number 36

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Total of my DOB is 36. My name number is 3. Heart desire number is 6. I do see number 36 all the time. How can I manifest powers from this number?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Frankly, I don't know how you can manifest powers from 36. Certainly not with traditional Pythagorean numerology, which is the numerology practiced at this website.

Numerology numbers represent specific energy.

It is a subtle energy that gently attracts characteristics and events that resonate with certain vibrations. The energy is interpreted for an understanding of tendencies and likelihoods.

While the energy does make certain things more likely and other things less likely, any manifestation of power you accomplish is not directly from the energy nor from the number that represents the energy. They don't participate in power manifestations nor do they resonate as a power.

Read about the number 36. Those are the tendencies and likelihoods of the energy the number represents.

A person sees the numbers they have a conscious or subconscious attention on. They notice the number and give it special attention because it seems significant. That's the very reason they remember the number.

Other numbers they see aren't remembered because there is no special significance associated with them.

If 36 had no significance for you, you wouldn't remember it when you see it and it would no longer seem to you like you were seeing the number 36.

What Numerology Is and Is Not may provide an understanding of what numerology can and can not be used for.

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