Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
Please Predict My Future Life
Hi my name is [name removed] date of birth [birth date removed]. Nowadays I am passing my most difficult and stressful time in my life. Every time I lose money and money. I don't know why its happening to me. Someone predicted as based on my birth chart and told me I have raj yuga and all kind of success, huge and countless money, happiness will be mine. But I found nothing until now without loss and losses. Now please predict about my future life. Thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, predictions have no power to influence the future. They're merely statements of what could be, not predeterminism.
At the beginning of next year, your life period cycle number changes to the number 8. The life period cycle has an influence on the types of events and circumstances that tend to manifest as you live day-to-day life.
The How to Apply Numerology in Day-to-day Living article describes some ways of working with numerological predictions. The techniques might be modified to work with predictions via other divination methods.
The things you do, the actions you take and don't take, are what determine your future.
When a desirable prediction is made, it can seem like a waste of energy expenditure to push toward a future that has already been predicted to happen.
However, consider this: Even if the prediction is based on proven divination techniques or calculated to be a virtual certainty from current state of affairs, when a person changes their actions the prediction is likely to fail. It really is the actions that determine the future, not the prediction.
When an undesirable future is predicted, actions can be taken to negate the prediction and arrive at a more desired future.
Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future! is an article that may help you tremendously.
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